Japan University Network Earthquake Catalog


Please read the following notice before using this file.
  1. This file is distributed for the purpose of promoting research on earthquake prediction.
  2. This file is copyrighted.
  3. Publications using data from this file must acknowledge the use of the "Japan University Network Earthquake Catalog Hypocenters File."
  4. Use of this file for profit is strictly prohibited.
  5. The publisher and the institutions providing data will under no circumstances accept responsibility for any trouble or damage arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of this file.
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The Earthquake Information Center (EIC), Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo is compiling observed data with the cooperation of the following institutions, and is publishing the Japan University Network Earthquake Catalog based on the data. This file consists of hypocentral information from the catalog, which is determined by the EIC.

Institutions Providing Data

Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Science:
Institute of Seismology and Volcanology.
Hirosaki University, Faculty of Science and Technology:
Earthquake and Volcano Observatory.
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science:
Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.
University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute:
Earthquake Observation Center and Volcano Research Center.
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science:
Research Center for Seismology and Volcanology.
Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute:
Research Center for Earthquake Prediction.
Kochi University, Faculty of Science:
Kochi Earthquake Observatory.
Kyushu University, Graduate School of Sciences:
Shimabara Earthquake and Volcano Observatory.
Kagoshima University, Faculty of Science:
Nansei-toko Observatory for Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
Published by
Earthquake Information Center,
Earthquake Research Institute,
Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
(Tel: +81-3-5841-5807)
(Email: [email protected])

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Last Update 2002/07/24 [email protected]